Business Blogging: Small Business Consultant Albert Hallado
Small Business Consulting and Blogging for Business. Works with small business owners to improve and grow their company. We offers a full range of services including Internet Marketing and Business Blog Design.
Keywords : blogging for business, small business, small business consultant, business consulting, blog, business blog, social media, social networking, blog consulting, blog consultant, online marketing, internet marketing, marketing with blogs, blog marketing, blog is ranked #490,703 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. While we estimate that 27% of visitors to the site come from the US, where it is ranked #307,189, it is also popular in Indonesia, where it is ranked #79,331. About 74% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). Compared with internet averages, its users tend to browse from home, and they tend to be men between the ages of 35 and 55 who have no postgraduate education and have more children. The time spent in a typical visit to is about two minutes, with 82 seconds spent on each pageview.