WWW.cinehour .com - website information, analysis and reviews

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General website information

Bollywood Gossip and News | Movies | Actress Photos | Movie Reviews, Audio releases and Stills
Bollywood Gossip and news,movie reviews and trailers.Actress photos and pictures,movie events like audio releases,movie openings,movie shooting stills from bollywood,tollywood and kollywood.
Keywords : bollywood gossip, movies, actress, cinema, movie reviews, trailers, actors, photo gallery, actress photos, telugu movies, hindi movies, wallpapers, theaters, indian actress, bollywood actress, tollywood news, audio release, movie stills, kollywood news, movie gallery, movie
Last Update :03/August/2011
Internal links : 187
External links : 7
Archive :Check how did the site look in the past?


Server and Hosting Information

Site IP address :
Server type :Microsoft-IIS/7.0
Powered by :ASP.NET
DNS 1 :ns41.znetindia.com
DNS 2 :ns42.znetindia.com
MX Domain 1 :mail.cinehour.com


Alexa Ranking Information - Alexa.com

Alexa rank : 43,471
Description : Cinehour.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 43,471. Visitors to it view an average of 10.1 unique pages per day. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly eleven minutes, with 40 seconds spent on each pageview. Approxima

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India :91.1% United States :1.5%

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tollywood gossips2.09%
bollywood gossips1.54%
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june pinto0.67%
spicy galleries0.51%
kollywood gossips0.46%
nidhi subbiah0.36%
vidya balan hot pants0.36%
nithya menon0.35%


Quantcast Ranking Information - Quantcast.com

Quantcast rank : 0 Average US daily traffic : 1.7K

Compete Ranking Information - Compete.com

Compete rank : 154,563
Average daily unique visitors : 10,956

MyWot Ranking Information - MyWot.com

MyWot rank : 0
Trustworthiness : 74
Vendor reliability : 58
Privacy : 0
Child safety : 79




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