WWW.cineklik .com - website information, analysis and reviews

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General website information

Movie Guide for Lebanon's Cinemas | Cineklik
CineKlik is the first online movies and cinema guide in Lebanon where you can share your reviews & ratings with your friends
Keywords : Cinema Lebanon, Movies lebanon, Lebanon, Beirut, entertainment, movie, movies, theatres, Empire, Grand Cinemas, Planete, Abraj, Cinemacity, City Complex, Dunes, Empire Sofil, Espace, Freeway, Galaxy, ABC, Concorde, Las Salinas, Kaslik, Sodeco, St Elie, St
Last Update :23/September/2011
Google PR :4
Indexed pages :1190
Internal links : 38
External links : 9
Archive :Check how did the site look in the past?


Server and Hosting Information

Site IP address :
Server type :Microsoft-IIS/7.0
Powered by :ASP.NET
DNS 1 :ns1.reinventinc.com
DNS 2 :ns2.reinventinc.com
MX Domain 1 :mail.cineklik.com


Alexa Ranking Information - Alexa.com

Alexa rank : 489,386
Description : There are 489,385 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Cineklik.com. Approximately 31% of visits to the site are bounces (one pageview only), and it has attained a traffic rank of 260 among users in Lebanon, where we estimate that 86% of its audience is located. Relative to the overall population of internet users, the site's audience tends to be childless; it also appeals more to women under the age of 35 who have postgraduate educations and browse from work. Visitors to Cineklik.com spend about 53 seconds on each pageview and a total of four minutes on the site during each visit.

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Visitors from countries:

Lebanon :86.0%

Search queries:

grand cinemas lebanon4.32%
cinema city lebanon1.93%
cinema in lebanon1.81%
betsy rue1.80%
cineklik grand cinemas abc1.48%
grand cinema lebanon1.46%
abc achrafieh cinema1.44%


Quantcast Ranking Information - Quantcast.com

Quantcast rank : 0 Average US daily traffic :

Compete Ranking Information - Compete.com

Compete rank : 0
Average daily unique visitors : 0

MyWot Ranking Information - MyWot.com

MyWot rank : 0
Trustworthiness : 83
Vendor reliability : 87
Privacy : 86
Child safety : 0




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