DMR Design | Kurumsal Kimlik | Web tasarım | Eticaret | Dizayn | Web design | Web tasarımı
Web tasarımı,WEB TASARİMİ,tasarım,designer,dizayn, internet sitesi ,web sayfası,web içerik yönetim sistemi, eticaret,WEB tasarimi,kurumsal kimlik çalışması,-ticaret,web design,internet dizayn
Keywords : Web tasarımı, WEB TASARİMİ, tasarım, designer, dizayn, internet sitesi , web sayfası, web içerik yönetim sistemi, eticaret, WEB tasarimi, kurumsal kimlik çalışması, -ticaret, web design, internet dizayn
There are 2,626,738 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than, and the site has a bounce rate of about 61% (i.e., 61% of visits consist of only one pageview). The time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly two minutes, with 66 seconds spent on each pageview, and the site has attained a traffic rank of 653,015 among users in the US, where we estimate that 74% of its audience is located. The fraction of visits to referred by search engines is about 30%.