Haus und Garten - Planen, Bauen, Finanzieren - Wohnen und Leben
Rund um Haus und Garten - Planen, Bauen, Finanzieren - Wohnen und Leben. Unterstützung bei der Entscheidung zur Hausplanung, zum Hausbau, zum Hauskauf und zur Finanzierung. has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 1,883,062, and almost all its visitors are in Germany, where it has attained a traffic rank of 130,983. This site's visitors view an average of 2.9 unique pages per day. is relatively popular among users in the city of Berlin (where it is ranked #25,942), and the time spent in a typical visit to it is roughly four minutes, with 74 seconds spent on each pageview.