WWW.laptops-battery .co .uk - website information, analysis and reviews

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General website information

Laptop battery-Replacement laptop battery|rechargeable laptop battery pack
Laptop battery - Buy a new cheap laptop battery replacement? Laptops-battery.co.uk online shop offer rechargeable, new brand laptop battery. The high quality laptop batteries for acer, apple, compaq, hp, dell, ibm, sony, toshiba and fujitsu.
Keywords : laptop battery, laptop batteries, laptop battery replacement, laptop battery pack, recharge laptop batteries, notebook battery
H1 tags : Laptop battery; Laptop batteries & Accessories; What's Selling Right Now; Laptop battery Knowledge and tips; Laptop Battery & Accessories Top Sellers; Laptop battery Blog; IBM Laptop Battery; Sony Laptop Battery; Dell Laptop Battery; Terms of Service; Quick Help Links
Last Update :06/October/2011
Google PR :N/A
Indexed pages :891
Internal links : 104
External links : 5
Archive :Check how did the site look in the past?

Keywords density

One word density
Two words density
laptop battery226.92%
battery thinkpad113.46%
sony vgp103.14%
laptop batteries51.57%
battery latitude51.57%
Three words density
a laptop battery31.42%
laptop battery sony20.94%
laptop batteries and20.94%
dell laptop battery20.94%
battery sony laptop20.94%


Server and Hosting Information

Site IP address :
Server type :Apache
Powered by :PHP/5.2.17
DNS 1 :ns11.ixwebhosting.com
DNS 2 :ns12.ixwebhosting.com
MX Domain 1 :mail311.ixwebhosting.com


Alexa Ranking Information - Alexa.com

Alexa rank : 520,949
Description : Laptops-battery.co.uk has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 520,949. Relative to the overall population of internet users, the site appeals more to men; its visitors also tend to consist of users aged under 35 and 45–55 who have more children and browse from work. Visitors to it view an average of 1.3 unique pages per day. Search engines refer approximately 44% of visits to the site. About 84% of visits to Laptops-battery.co.uk consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces).

Compare this site to:

Search queries:

calibrate laptop battery2.93%
laptop battery calibration1.48%
vgp-bps9 battery0.81%
plugged in not charging0.80%
hp 510 battery0.76%
how to calibrate laptop battery0.57%
battery calibration0.57%
recalibrate laptop battery0.51%
sony vgp-bps9 battery0.46%
m1530 battery0.43%


Quantcast Ranking Information - Quantcast.com

Quantcast rank : 328,214 Average US daily traffic :

Compete Ranking Information - Compete.com

Compete rank : 0
Average daily unique visitors : 0

MyWot Ranking Information - MyWot.com

MyWot rank : 0
Trustworthiness : 98
Vendor reliability : 100
Privacy : 100
Child safety : 0




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