Arts & Crafts, Acrylic Paint, Fashion Crafting, Jewelry Making, and More! | Plaid Enterprises
Imagine, learn and create with Plaid, home to all your favorite craft brands--Folk Art®, Bucilla®, Mod Podge® and many more! Enjoy exploring our ideas and inspiration for painting needlecrafts, decoupage and your favorite crafts. has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 251,853. Its visitors view 3.3 unique pages each day on average. While roughly 67% of the site's visitors are in the US, where it is ranked #57,693, it is also popular in Israel, where it is ranked #24,986. Visitors to the site spend approximately 43 seconds on each pageview and a total of three minutes on the site during each visit. Compared with internet averages,'s users are disproportionately female, and they tend to be people browsing from home who have no postgraduate education and have incomes between $30,000 and $100,000.