WWW.swwhep .ac .uk - website information, analysis and reviews

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General website information

The South West Wales Higher Education Partnership (SWWHEP)
SWWHEP, the South West Wales Higher Education Partnership
Keywords : SWWHEP, South Wales Higher Education Partnership, Swansea University, Swansea Metropolitan University, Trinity College Carmarthen, Collaboration, HEFQW, Student Services, South Wales, West Wales, Innovative education
H1 tags : SOUTH WEST WALES HIGHER EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP Working together to enhance services; PARTNERIAETH ADDYSG UWCH DE ORLLEWIN CYMRU Yn gweithio gyda’n gilydd i helaethu a gwella gwasanaethau
Last Update :02/January/2012
Google PR :N/A
Internal links : 2
Archive :Check how did the site look in the past?


Server and Hosting Information

Site IP address :
Server type :Apache
DNS 1 :dns0.swan.ac.uk
DNS 2 :dns1.swan.ac.uk
DNS 3 :dns2.swan.ac.uk
MX Domain 1 :lisisp.swan.ac.uk


Alexa Ranking Information - Alexa.com

Alexa rank : 14,086,860
Description : Swwhep.ac.uk's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 14,086,860.

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