Take the Internet Back - opt-in email advertising & email marketing
Taketheinternetback.com - opt-in email advertising & email marketing. Over 270,000 double opt-in members in database will receive your advertising email! Members are more than interested in reading your emails, as they own 90% of the program. Build y
Keywords : opt-in email advertising, email marketing, permission marketing, internet advertising, internet business, own business, make money, business website
H1 tags : Welcome to Take The Internet Back; Send opt-in Email Advertising Now!
H2 tags : A program that is destined to change the face of the internet!
Taketheinternetback.com is ranked #159,194 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings, and its visitors view an average of 2.6 unique pages per day. The site has a bounce rate of about 39% (i.e., 39% of visits consist of only one pageview). Relative to the overall population of internet users, the site's audience tends to be over the age of 45; it also appeals more to childless men browsing from home who are not college graduates. While Taketheinternetback.com is ranked #120,543 in the US, where we estimate that 22% of its visitors are located, it is also popular in Australia, where it is ranked #17,337.