Our mission is to help people achieve a greater sense of wellbeing through inspiration, education, and lifestyle changes - made one small step at a time.
Keywords : Uta Pippig, Take The Magic Step®, Running, Fitness, Health, Athletic News, Marathon, Charity, KIMbia, Walking, Athletics, Yoga
Takethemagicstep.com's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 1,208,062. The site has a bounce rate of roughly 78% (i.e., 78% of visits consist of only one pageview), and the site has attained a traffic rank of 174,354 among users in Germany, where we estimate that 42% of its audience is located. The fraction of visits to Takethemagicstep.com referred by search engines is roughly 40%, and the time spent in a typical visit to the site is approximately two minutes, with two minutes spent on each pageview.