Last Update : | 07/January/2012 |
Google PR : | N/A |
Internal links : | 8 |
External links : | 2 |
Archive : | Check how did the site look in the past? |
WWW.type-a .net - website information, analysis and reviews
General Info Keywords density Hosting Info Alexa Ranking Widgets Reviews
General website information 
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Server and Hosting Information 
Site IP address : | |
Server type : | Apache |
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Alexa Ranking Information - 
Alexa rank : | 358,637 |
Description : | has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 358,637. This site's visitors view 1.3 unique pages each day on average. Visitors to the site spend about 27 seconds on each pageview and a total of 39 seconds on the site during each visit, and almost all visitors to the site come from Japan, where it has attained a traffic rank of 33,943. has a bounce rate of roughly 82% (i.e., 82% of visits consist of only one pageview). |
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Search queries:
メンズ ブランド | 5.07% |
ボニータ | 2.35% |
bosch 店舗 | 1.40% |
anyfam | 1.13% |
queens court 店舗 | 1.04% |
3can4on | 0.99% |
ヘレナ 店舗 | 0.98% |
anysis | 0.91% |
en quete通販 | 0.83% |
dip drops | 0.78% |