WWW.unicred-florianopolis .com .br - website information, analysis and reviews

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General website information

Unicred Florianópolis
H1 tags : Notícias; Índices Econômicos
Last Update :05/January/2012
Google PR :N/A
Internal links : 24
External links : 12
Archive :Check how did the site look in the past?


Server and Hosting Information

Site IP address :
Server type :Microsoft-IIS/7.5
Powered by :ASP.NET
DNS 1 :ns3.tecnocred.com.br
DNS 2 :ns1.tecnocred.com.br
DNS 3 :ns2.tecnocred.com.br
MX Domain 1 :mx3.tecnocred.com.br
MX Domain 2 :mx2.tecnocred.com.br
MX Domain 3 :mx1.tecnocred.com.br


Alexa Ranking Information - Alexa.com

Alexa rank : 1,629,288
Description : Unicred-florianopolis.com.br's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 1,629,288. This site's visitors view an average of 1.1 unique pages per day. The site has a bounce rate of approximately 86% (i.e., 86% of visits consist of only one pageview). The time spent in a typical visit to Unicred-florianopolis.com.br is approximately 60 seconds, with 45 seconds spent on each pageview. The fraction of visits to the site referred by search engines is roughly 18%.

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