Vanzari terenuri | |
H1 tags : Vanzari terenuri |
Last Update : | 01/January/2012 |
Google PR : | N/A |
Internal links : | 15 |
External links : | 11 |
Archive : | Check how did the site look in the past? |
Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network
Vanzari terenuri | |
H1 tags : Vanzari terenuri |
Last Update : | 01/January/2012 |
Google PR : | N/A |
Internal links : | 15 |
External links : | 11 |
Archive : | Check how did the site look in the past? |
Keyword | Occurrences | Percentage |
vanzari | 47 | 7.13% |
terenuri | 45 | 6.83% |
categoria | 30 | 4.55% |
anunt | 30 | 4.55% |
teren | 30 | 4.55% |
Keyword | Occurrences | Percentage |
vanzari terenuri | 44 | 13.35% |
in categoria | 30 | 9.10% |
anunt in | 30 | 9.10% |
teren in | 30 | 9.10% |
categoria vanzari | 30 | 9.10% |
Keyword | Occurrences | Percentage |
anunt in categoria | 30 | 13.66% |
vanzare teren in | 30 | 13.66% |
categoria vanzari terenuri | 30 | 13.66% |
in categoria vanzari | 30 | 13.66% |
metri patrati vanzare | 28 | 12.75% |
Site IP address : | |
Server type : | + |
DNS 1 : | |
DNS 2 : | |
MX Domain 1 : | |
MX Domain 2 : | |
MX Domain 3 : | |
MX Domain 4 : | |
MX Domain 5 : | |
Alexa rank : | 1,486,010 |
Description : | is ranked #1,486,010 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The site has attained a traffic rank of 14,146 among users in Romania, where almost all its audience is located. About 27% of visits to the site are bounces (one pageview only). Visitors to view an average of 3.3 unique pages per day. Visitors to this site spend approximately 45 seconds on each pageview and a total of four minutes on the site during each visit. |
Romania : | 96.0% |
teren de vanzare in blaj | 48.48% |
teren de vanzare blaj | 2.51% |
teren de vanzare chereteu blaj | 1.10% |
terenuri balotesti | 1.09% |
teren arieseni | 1.07% |
terenuri popesti | 1.06% |
teren cernica | 1.06% |
terenuri moara vlasiei | 0.93% |
vand teren moara vlasiei | 0.72% |
vand teren 3000 euro ilfov | 0.69% |