Conseil en stratégie marketing et relation client - Vertone
Vertone - Conseil en Stratégie et Management - Stratégie - Innovation - Marketing - Vente - Organisation - Relation Client
Keywords : blog marketing, cabinet de conseil en strategie marketing, cabinet de conseil en relation client, cabinet marketing, conseil en marketing, conseil strategie, marketing des services, marketing développement, référence marketing, , conseil en marketing, cabi has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 2,557,197. The site has a bounce rate of about 27% (i.e., 27% of visits consist of only one pageview), and the time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly 84 seconds, with 41 seconds spent on each pageview. Visitors to view an average of 2.4 unique pages per day, and the site has attained a traffic rank of 76,617 among users in France, where we estimate that 93% of its audience is located.