WWW.jetwing .com - website information, analysis and reviews

General Info Keywords density Hosting Info Alexa Ranking Compete Ranking Widgets Reviews


General website information

Welcome To Jetwing Sri Lanka (Travels, Hotels, Eco-Holidays, Air, Events)
From the happening town of Negombo, to the Ancient city of Galle, to the hills of kandy and the Golfer
Last Update :30/December/2011
Google PR :N/A
Internal links : 15
External links : 23
Archive :Check how did the site look in the past?

Keywords density

Two words density
by jetwing47.14%
jetwing lighthouse47.14%
of the23.57%
lighthouse jetwing23.57%
hunas falls23.57%
Three words density
jetwing hunas falls25.36%
hunas falls jetwing25.36%
jetwing beach jetwing25.36%
jetwing ayurveda pavilions25.36%
ayurveda pavilions jetwing25.36%


Server and Hosting Information

Site IP address :
Server type :Apache/2.2.21
DNS 1 :ns0000.ns0.com
DNS 2 :ns282.pair.com
MX Domain 1 :mailwash34.pair.com


Alexa Ranking Information - Alexa.com

Alexa rank : 1,741,873
Description : Jetwing.com is ranked #1,741,873 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The site has been online for at least nine years. The site's visitors view an average of 1.4 unique pages per day. Visitors to Jetwing.com spend roughly 34 seconds on each pageview and a total of 53 seconds on the site during each visit. This site has a bounce rate of approximately 64% (i.e., 64% of visits consist of only one pageview).

Compare this site to:

Search queries:

jetwing hotels 4.74% 3 jetwing airways'4.65%
hotel jetwing beach4.11%
jetwing beach hotel3.70%
jetwing air colombo sri lanka3.69%
vil uyana3.20%
jetwing lighthouse3.18%
jetwing blue2.24%
jetwing air sri lanka2.04%


Compete Ranking Information - Compete.com

Compete rank : 0
Average daily unique visitors : 0




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